In this webinar we will outline the cloud technologies that provide proven benefits for CMO’s. We will explain the features and technologies applicable to a modern cloud based Matching Engine. The webinar will give a detailed overview of the Spanish Point Matching Engine and its 60 configuration options over its 3 level hierarchy and provide real life examples of its usage to solve high volume log file processing for CMO’s.
Modernise your log file processing-
Music streaming services are generating ever increasing data volumes. The number of DSP’s and log file formats are increasing. New entrants such as Amazon are becoming more important. CMO’s are planning for a future where workloads are only going to increase.
Learn how Copyright Management Organisations (CMO’s) can use modern cloud technologies and dedicated matching engine software to solve the problem of processing the high-volume data from Digital Service Providers.
Music streaming services are generating ever increasing data volumes. Spanish Point has built a matching application that can address data issues facing music rights organisations using the Microsoft Azure platform. The high performance engine supports organisations to address metadata errors and ensure music royalties are tracked with accuracy.